Street Cafe, Rust, Burgenland, Austria
Folks enjoying a nice early-summer afternoon at a street café in the small town of Rust, Burgenland, Austria.
Travel Photography from the Austrian province of Burgenland
Folks enjoying a nice early-summer afternoon at a street café in the small town of Rust, Burgenland, Austria.
A sign advertising the sale of bacon and wine (“Speck & Wein”) in the village of Sankt Margarethen in eastern Austria.
Signboards advertising the day’s menu outside a local pub in Sankt Margarethen, Burgenland, Austria.
A white stork is seen in its rooftop nest in the “stork village” of Rust, Austria, behind a locally-themed sign.
Magnificent light on a stormy afternoon at this boat harbor in Mörbisch on Lake Neusiedl, Burgenland, Austria.
A young White Stork surveying the scene from a rooftop in the village of Rust, Burgenland, Austria.
Multiple layers of blue paint on a beautiful exterior of an old pub at St. Margarethen in Burgenland, Austria.
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