Autumn Vines, Beilstein, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Delicious grapes and colorful leaves on a sunny autumn day at a vineyard in Beilstein, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
Photos taken in 2004
Delicious grapes and colorful leaves on a sunny autumn day at a vineyard in Beilstein, Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
A view of the Parish Church at Kitzeck in the southern part of Styria, Austria.
A view across the rolling vineyards of southern Styria, Austria, close to the Slovenian border.
At Herrengasse in the historic city center of Graz, Austria, a tram is passing the ornate facade of the Landhaus building.
At Regent Street in London, England, a double decker bus is decorated with an eye-catching advertisement.
A double-decker bus is passing the Spanish Galleon Tavern, a historic 19th century pub near Cutty Sark in Greenwich, London.
Dramatic light after a late-afternoon summer rain shower over the fields of Pliezhausen in southwestern Germany.
An evening walk across Tower Bridge in London, England. The City Hall (GLA Building) is visible in the background.
A pattern of colorful glass windows around the main entrance of Mariatrost Basilica in Graz, Austria.
An architectural detail study of the Nave of Southwark Cathedral in London, England.
An encounter with history by walking Sporgasse, the oldest street in the city of Graz, Austria.
A winter impression from the fields around Wildeck Castle near the southwest-German village of Abstatt.
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